Tuesday, May 20, 2014

SPR 2014 Lecture Series (No.7):Neural mechanisms for updating and choice computations in value-base decisions

Date & Time: Friday, 23 May, 2-4 p.m. 
Venue: Rm202, Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences Education, NYMU  

About the theme

Decision neuroscience, or neuroeconomics, is a young and interdisciplinary field that aims to understand how the brain makes decisions. It started roughly about 15 years ago and has attracted neurobiologists, psychologists, and economists over the years. In this talk, I will give an overview for research on decision neuroscience. I will specifically focus on perceptual decision making and value-based decision making, two kinds of decisions that have received great attention in the past decade. I will talk about how neuroscientists think about these different kinds of decision problems, how we design experiments to study them, how to model them mathematically, and finally, the neural architecture that might produce many of the decisions we make in daily life. 

2014 陽明心哲所捷報

秦慧敏 同學 獲得 University of Alberta, Canada 哲學系博士學程入學許可與獎學金
鄭婕凌 同學 獲得 Georgia State University, USA 哲學系碩士學程入學許可與獎學金
林庭安 研究助理 獲得 Texas Tech University, USA 哲學系碩士學程入學許可、全額及校級獎學金

Monday, May 12, 2014

2014春季系列演講(No.6):攝影與革命- Tina Modotti 於1920年代墨西哥的「社會生產」


這場演講以蒂娜.摩多提(Tina Modotti, 1896-1942)的革命攝影為主題,探討這位左派女性攝影家移居墨西哥時期(1923-1930)的攝影實踐。我將以從摩多提1929 年的生前唯一個展出發,特別是以她在觀展小冊最前面,以紅字引用托勒斯基(Leon Trotsky)的見解為線索,從托勒斯基的論著《文學與革命》(1924)中汲取養分,將摩多提的攝影置於墨西哥後革命時期的文藝與社會脈絡中詮釋,以開拓迄今中外文研究文獻中少見的馬克思主義詮釋。我的論述將從視覺分析出發,援引托勒斯基的唯物辯證法觀點,從生產與消費的情境,來探討她的相機如何成為服務革命大眾與重構社會真實的武器。


劉瑞琪 教授,現為國立陽明大學視覺文化研究所所長及教授。專長為攝影研究、性別與視覺文化、歐美當代與現代視覺藝術、藝術理論、現代與當代醫療視覺文化。