Saturday, May 09, 2009

Symposium: Student poster presentations for ASSC 13 and TSC 2009


時間: 5/19/2009 (二) 1pm-4pm

ASSC 13 共三篇:

簡芃, “The Dilemma of Inverted Spectrum Thought Experiment.”
林佳樺, “Asyncronic comparison of qualia”
楊元傑, “Is the Revival of Mind-body Identity Theory Possible?”


簡芃, “A Non-reductive Approach to the Problem of Mental Causation.”
楊元傑, “Troubles with Reductionism: can we reduce consciousness? ”
林佳樺, “Qualia are time bound.”
劉乃嘉 , "Can a materialist accept “what is it like to be a bat”?“
林映彤, "Access-consciousness without phenomenal-consciousness and blindsight"


13:00 開幕

13:10 簡芃 Peng Chien
The Dilemma of Inverted Spectrum
Thought Experiment

13:40 林映彤 Yingtung Lin
Access-consciousness Without
Phenomenal-consciousness and

14:10 劉乃嘉 Nai-jia Liu
Can a materialist accept “what is it
like to be a bat”?

14:40 中場休息

15:00 林佳樺 Chiahua Lin
How is the asyncronic comparison of
qualia possible?

15:30 楊元傑 Jack Yang
Is the Revival of Mind-body
Identity Theory Plausible?

16:00 閉幕

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