Thursday, March 05, 2009

[NEWS] 論文投稿Tucson 2009結果公布囉!

大家將論文投稿今年六月即將在香港舉辦的Toward A Science of Consciousness 2009 (Tucson 2009)

目前心哲所研究生已確定被接受的論文有4篇,分別是 簡芃、楊元傑、劉乃嘉、林佳樺
此外,意識研究群大學部成員 林映彤 的paper也被接受囉!


Peng Chien and Allen Y. Houng, “A Non-reductive Approach to the Problem of Mental Causation.” Toward A Science of Consciousness 2009, Hong Kong, China, June 11-14, 2009.

Jack Yang and Allen Y. Houng, “Troubles with Reductionism: can we reduce consciousness? ” Toward A Science of Consciousness 2009, Hong Kong, China, June 11-14, 2009.

Nai-Jia Liu and Thomas Benda, "Can a materialist accept “what is it like to be a bat”?" Toward A Science of Consciousness 2009, Hong Kong, China, June 11-14, 2009.

Chia-Hua Lin and Allen Y. Houng, “Qualia are time bound.” Toward A Science of Consciousness 2009, Hong Kong, China, June 11-14, 2009.

Ying-Tung Lin, “Inverted Qualia is Possible.” Toward A Science of Consciousness 2009, Hong Kong, China, June 11-14, 2009.


emmapchien said...

新增一篇paper! 佳樺的paper也被接受囉!

emmapchien said...
