Graduate Student Association of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition at National Yang Ming University
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Top 100 Open Theology & Philosophy Courses
Experimental Philosophy
David Chalmer's Blog
Cognitive Daily
Thoughts, arguments, and rants
Philosophy of brains
然後我剛剛才發現原來Alva Noe是 Daniel Dennett的學生
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
達爾文200讀書會 第一場
各位有參加沒有參加到的朋友們,今天我們做了第一次的Darwin 200 reading聚會。今天的參加者有佳樺、龐皓、映彤、凌峰和我。
主題可能會在以下這個含糊的範圍內:「演化論究竟是怎麼樣的理論?」他是如物理定律般的自然法則還是一 種對生物現象歷史的描述?演化論究竟跟神創論打的戰是在哪個點?沒有神創論枷鎖的我們東方人,怎麼看待演化論?
今天我們討論的是Darwin's enduring legacy這篇,補充材料是15 evolutionary gems。
一開始花了很多時間在討論演化論是什麼(大家都接受Dennett分析出的三步驟公式為演化論的本質:變異、選擇、遺傳)以及演化論的事實是否可以 推 論倫理道德上應該怎麼作(is是否可以推論ought),我們是否可以從天擇這個「被動」的歷程推出人可以「主動的」決定我們「應該」篩選何種孩子出生 (就像前幾周新聞中提到的無癌症基因小孩)或者何種種族優秀(如希特勒)。
基本上大家的共識是達爾文他做的是一個形上學的生物演化機制主張,而非倫理學應當如何如何。對 於從科學推論到倫理學,我們的共識採取一種更激進的主張,認為沒有所謂的客觀的ought存在,人類沒有所謂應該或者不應該做什麼,自然而然就產生了 ought的句子來,不管產生的原因是為了社會的安定和諧還是什麼,總之就是不同的ought互相競爭支持者與信徒,社會就這麼演變下去。所以或許有一群 人認為應該要有嬰兒基因篩檢,有些人認為不應該,但戰下去總有一方會勝利或者得到某種妥協,社會就這麼運作去了。所以或許有人認為達爾文的主張可以拿來作 社會的行為標準,而我基於我的理由認為不行(因為沒有人可以真的確認哪種性狀叫做「好」、哪種基因是「好基因」,甚至基因是否能夠完全決定性狀(顯然不 能)),但沒有誰是真理,我們就這樣戰吧,看誰贏得最多的支持者,誰的思想勝出。
回到文本去...因為時間的關係我們沒有討論完每一個達爾文演化論的科學貢獻,但是我的導讀依循Ernst Mayr的
- Evolution as such. This is the theory that the world is not constant or recently created nor perpetually cycling, but rather is steadily changing, and that organisms are transformed in time.
- Common descent. This is the theory that every group of organisms descended from a common ancestor, and that all groups of organisms, including animals, plants, and microorganisms, ultimately go back to a single origin of life on earth.
- Multiplication of species. This theory explains the origin of the enormous organic diversity. It postulates that species multiply, either by splitting into daughter species or by "budding", that is, by the establishment of geographically isloated founder populations that evolve into new species.
- Gradualism. According to this theory, evolutionary change takes place through the gradual change of populations and not by the sudden (saltational) production of new individuals that represent a new type.
- Natural selection. According to this theory, evolutionary change comes about throught the abundant production of genetic variation in every generation. The relatively few individuals who survive, owing to a particularly well-adapted combination of inheritable characters, give rise to the next generation.
- Natural Selection
- One tree of life (common descent)
- Genealogical classification
- Selective Extinction
- Deep Time
- Coevolution
- Gradual Change
- Sexual Selection
- Biogeographical distribution
- Economy of nature (ecology)
雖然現今的美國知識界正憂心基督信仰造成的科學衝擊,但是基督教思想畢竟有一套對世界真理有所闡釋的形上學理論。所以西方的重大科學突破與發現,都 是在形上學上與宗教相衝突的過程中出現的。然而華人下的我們,卻只會「天行健,君子以自強不息」,在科學的發展上只作「應用」和「觀察」,完全沒有形上學 主張,自然沒有這方面的衝擊,在接受其他人的主張時,也只把他當成可以應用的原始材料和觀察的結果來看待,沒有認真的採信其背後預設的自然世界本質。
既然聊到宗教和科學的對立...來看的dawkings rap:
既然講到宗教與科學的衝突...來看個richard dawkin rap吧!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Maybe this is what some (or all) of us need!
註冊conference paper submission system帳號
Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference on Consciousness
How to submit a paper?
Evolution of the Mind: 4 Fallacies of Psychology: Scientific American
Some evolutionary psychologists have made widely popularized claims about how the human mind evolved, but other scholars argue that the grand claims lack solid evidence
By David J. Buller
Key Concepts
- Among Charles Darwin’s lasting legacies is our knowledge that the human mind evolved by some adaptive process.
- A major, widely discussed branch of evolutionary psychology—Pop EP—holds that the human brain has many specialized mechanisms that evolved to solve the adaptive problems of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
- The author and several other scholars suggest that some assumptions of Pop EP are flawed: that we can know the psychology of our Stone Age ancestors, that we can thereby figure out how distinctively human traits evolved, that our minds have not evolved much since the Stone Age, and that standard psychological questionnaires yield clear evidence of the adaptations.
Charles Darwin wasted no time applying his theory of evolution to human psychology, following On the Origin of Species (1859) with The Descent of Man (1871) and The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). Ever since, the issue hasn’t been whether evolutionary theory can illuminate the study of psychology but how it will do so. Still, a concerted effort to explain how evolution has affected human behavior began only in the 1970s with the emergence of sociobiology. The core idea of sociobiology was simple: behavior has evolved under natural and sexual selection (in response to competition for survival and reproduction, respectively), just as organic form has. Sociobiology thereby extended the study of adaptation to include human behavior.
In his 1985 critique of sociobiology, Vaulting Ambition, philosopher Philip Kitcher noted that, whereas some sociobiology backed modest claims with careful empirical research, the theoretical reach of the dominant program greatly exceeded its evidential grasp. Kitcher called this program “pop sociobiology” because it employed evolutionary principles “to advance grand claims about human nature and human social institutions” and was “deliberately designed to command popular attention.”
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Fall 2008 認知神經科學導論作業題目
1. Define the physiological concepts of receptive field and visual area. How is the receptive field of a cell established? How are the boundaries between visual areas identified? Can either receptive fields or visual areas be studied noninvasively in humans? (p. 206)
Ch 6 Object Recognition
1. What are some of the differences between processing in the dorsal and ventral visual pathways? In what ways are these differences useful? In what ways is it misleading to imply a functional dichotomy of two distinct visual pathways? (p.256)
2. As part of a debating team, you are assigned the task of defending the hypothesis that the brain has evolved a specialized system for perceiving faces. What arguments will you use to make your case? Now change sides. Defend the argument that face perception reflects the operation of a highly experienced system that is good at making the discriminations.
Ch7 The control of action
1. (舊版第一題) (請有舊版的人提供題目,謝謝!)
2. What is the difference between the pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor pathways? What type of movement disorder would you expect to see if the pyramidal tract were damaged? How would extrapyramidal damage differ? (p.311)
3. Why do people with Parkinson’s disease have difficulty moving? Provide an explanation based on the physiological properties of the basal ganglia. Why does dopamine replacement therapy improve their condition?
Ch8 Learning and Memory
1. Patient H.M. and others with damage to the medial temporal lop develop amnesia. What form of amnesia do they develop? For example, is it like the amnesia most often shown in Hollywood movies? What information can such amnesia patients retain, what can they learn, and what does this tell us about how memories are encoded in the brain? (p.362)
2. Can you ride a bike? Do you remember learning to ride a two-wheeler? Can you describe to others the principles of riding a bike? Do you think that, if you gave a detailed set of instructions to another person who had never ridden a bike, he or she could carefully study your instructions and then hop on a bike and ride happily off into the sunset? If not, why not?
3. Relate models of long-term potentiation (LTP) to changing weights in connectionist networks. What constrains do cognitive neuroscience findings place on connectionist model of memory?
1. How might the mental lexicon be organized in the brain? Would we expect to find it localized in a particular spot in the context? If not, why not?
2. What evidence exists for the role of the right hemisphere in language processing? If the right hemisphere has a role in language, what might that role be?
Ch 12 Attention and Consciousness
1. Do we perceive everything that strikes the retina? If not, does something interfere with vision? What might be the fate of stimuli that we do not perceive but that nonetheless stimulate our sensory receptor?
2. Are the same brain mechanisms involved when we focus our intention voluntarily as when our attention is captured by a sensory event, such as a flash of light?
Are We Killing The Planet One Google Search At A Time?
Washington Post
Jason Kincaid
Sunday, January 11, 2009; 11:30 AM
Right now the top stories on Techmeme revolve around a new piece in The Times of London that focuses on The Environmental Impact of Google Searches. In it, physicist Alex Wissner-Gross (a star MIT graduate who is now at Harvard) posits that a single Google search generates 7g of CO2, versus around 15g for a tea kettle - something he calls a "definite environmental impact."
That sounds bad, right?
There's no doubt that Google consumes a massive amount of energy, with hundreds of millions of searches conducted every day and data centers scattered across the globe. But let's try to shed a little perspective on things.
A single book runs around 2,500 grams of CO2, or more than 350 times a Google search. By some estimates, a single cheeseburger has a carbon footprint of around 3,600 grams - over 500 times larger than a Google search. Granted, meat in general has a notoriously large carbon footprint, but if you're genuinely concerned about your environmental impact then try cutting a burger from your diet every week and search guilt-free (you may even lose a few pounds).
My issue with the article isn't that it is factually incorrect - it's that it paints Google as a malevolent force shrouded in secrecy, and that every time you use it (or one of the other mentioned companies like Twitter), you're adding to the problem. In a word, it's alarmist. Google could probably become more energy efficient, but I fear that articles like this will lead people to shy away from the Internet. Unlike gas guzzling SUVs, the web helps connect and enrich humanity. By all means encourage web companies to become as carbon neutral as possible, but don't make energy-conscious consumers afraid of their browsers.
And finally, one last bit that is more concerned with the journalistic practices of The Times than Google. Alex Wissner-Gross co-founded an interesting startup called CO2Stats that we've covered a few times in the past (it was also a finalist in The Crunchies). The site helps websites stay as green as possible by offering carbon credits as well as badges to help promote the cause. The Times article only mentions the site in passing, and fails to acknowledge that CO2Stats is a company that earns money, not just an informative website. I sincerely doubt there is anything sinister going on, but such a major potential source of bias seems worthy of more than just a mention.
Update: Google has responded to The Times article, stating that a single search is actually equivalent to a mere 0.2 grams of CO2. The blog post also details some of Google's efforts to further green technology as well as the energy efficiency of its own data centers.
Alex Wissner-Gross已將其研究成果提交「美國電力及電機工程師研究所」,準備公開發表,同時還刊於www.CO2stats.com網站;他表示,Google效率極高,但公司最關心的是讓搜尋變快,即使這意味有很多消耗電力的額外產能。
Alex Wissner-Gross另計算出個人使用網際網路時釋出的二氧化碳 量:瀏覽一個簡單的網頁,每秒鐘約產生0.02克,而觀看複雜的網站,有圖像、動畫或影片,那麼會驟增十倍,每秒鐘為0.2克。
Monday, January 12, 2009
the latest, the hottest, it's system biology!
*原文刊登於 *
「孩子,」Sober道「你難道不知道,在西方世界要先打贏神創論這個大魔王才能夠去撼動到神的創造物嗎?這就是為什麼我的書雖然貼著philosophy of biology, 但是我都在討論演化論啊!」
南非人:「A philosophy of systems biology is lacking but needed!」(所有人抬頭)
荷蘭人一號:「Experimental biologists may not care much about philosophy...」("Screw them!" 南非人說。 "Yeah!" 荷蘭人說。)
「 while philosophers of biology deal predominantly with evolutionary biology, 」(點頭)「and to a lesser extent, with molecular biology,」(猛點頭)「 and importantly, not at all with systems approaches too biology.」(所有人看美國英雄那邊,歎一口氣。)
荷蘭人二號:「The existing philosophy of biology fails to address the rather profound issue of what distinguishes the living form the nonliving, expect to say that something lives because its ancestors lived.」("Right on!"荷蘭人三號說。"這算啥解釋啊!"荷蘭人一號說。"下台下台!"南非人說。)
荷蘭人三號:「In it's current state, 」(抽一口煙)「the philosophy of biology does not have the wherewithal to consider a single organism as an integrated, functionally organized system that can be understood per se, independent of its evolutionary history! 我胡了!!!」
這四位仁兄就是Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr and Hans V. Westerhoff.
他們編的書叫做 Systems biology: Philosophical Foundations
要作,就要作systems biology.
演講訊息: Causality and the perception of Time
Title: "Causality and the perception of Time"
this year -- it seems awfully late in the season?" to synchronizing
perceptual input from multiple modalities (which process information
at different speeds, and the information itself arrives not
necessarily at the same time, e.g. vision and sound), people are
constantly faced with solving timing problems. More specifically,
having and maintaining a sense of how much time has passed between one
event and another is of fundamental importance to adaptive cognition.
2002) suggest that people experience a subjective shortening of time
between actions and their consequences relative to unrelated events.
In this talk I will present data that suggests that intentional
binding is a special form of 'causal binding' (Eagleman & Holcombe,
2002). In a reverse interpretation of Hume's principles of causality,
according to which temporal contiguity is a key to forming causal
associations, I shall argue that experienced causality warps our
perception of time in line with our expectations of natural timeframes.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
申請國外PhD 需要準備什麼?
2009 applying for 2010 Fall
Jan 確定自己是否有要申請,開始準備TOEFL & GRE 以六月前考完兩者為目標
Feb 確定自己的大領域(phil. of mind, bio., sci., physics, logic etc.) 開始學校網站慢慢逛
Mar 鎖定約二十所學校 選定sample paper主題 開始討獎學金與公費留考等
Apr 給老師看過學校名單, sample paper主題跟老師討論, 請老師寫推薦信
May 寫sample paper 準備GRE TOEFL最後衝刺
Jun 考GRE和TOEFL 參加Tucson & ASSC13
Jul 寫sample paper 開始寫 SOP, CV 若發現GRE TOEFL考不好, 準備重考
Aug 寫sample paper, 寫SOP, 寫CV, 申請成績單, 獎狀, 確認國內獎學金,保證金*
Sep 刪減到大約5~10所學校, 確認需要備齊哪些資料**, 填寫網路報名, 寄送GRE, TOEFL成績
Oct sample paper, sop, cv給很多人看過改完, 重考GRE TOEFL(if necessary)
Nov 所有資料寄出
Dec 準備需要補寄的資料和確認獎學金相關資料送出
(1) 你要申請哪些學校
(2) 你的領域是什麼 你對哪些主題有興趣
這樣還可以在ASSC13 和 Tucson有機會拉近跟這些學校之間的關係
然後務必現在開始準備英文!! 聽到沒? 現在!現在!現在!現在!拿起你的單字本來,就是現在開始背!
我個人認為...這次還可以在九月開始動作 十月正式做英文考試以外的事情
(1) 老師人超好: 都願意在很緊急的狀況下趕出推薦信,說實在話這麼晚才講老師們真的大可不理
(2) 英文好: 不諱言...我真的省下了準備英文的時間、修改英文的時間,免去了面對不知道怎麼寫才通順才正確掙扎撞牆壁、寫到一半中文轉換不成英文而吐血的時間和痛苦...
如果我無法一次從頭打到尾只修改十個英文錯誤的sample paper和超快打字速度,根本就來不及!
(3) 遇到貴人: 修改英文的、修改內容的、給予CV, SOP寫法指導的人
(4) 運氣超好
(5) FedEx可以隔天送件! yes!!!!!!!! (仰天長嘯)
有就拿出來吧...沒有就想辦法生一 些吧...雖然沒有不會怎樣 但是有了對他們而言是減輕點負擔
** 這些資料真的很煩...
(1) 大學&研究所 GPA 主修GPA credit總數
(2) 入學/畢業/學位拿到或預期拿到年月日
(3) 可以收件的地址/永久地址
(4) GRE/TOEFL成績和百分比
(5) 推薦信老師的英文名字、單位、地址、電話、email
(6) 找到每個學校的financial statement(如果有的話) 和確認推薦信是紙本還是線上作業
(7) 確認每個學校sample paper頁數多少,是否有行距限制
(8) 檢查是否學校有幫你準備cover letter, 是否要在信封上面註明資料, 是否在所有資料上要註明生日等資訊
然後買Letter size的紙,所有東西都用letter size的紙去印!!
X的 ...還沒完咧
1. ups and fedex 送件點有哪些?投遞站哪幾天有開?收件是否就代表送件?
2. 美東與美西各自的收件時間為何? (這次美東是4:00 美西是7:00 PM)
3. 不同的投遞點能夠寄送的種類不同, 請確認你要投的那個點最快到的時間是幾天後?
4. 最重要的是...你的學校能不能夠收快遞?
5. 收據留下來,天天用tracking number check你的東西到了沒!
1. 準備兩張信用卡,萬一一張刷不了還有第二張可以緊急使用(尤其是夜深人靜的deadline前幾個小時,他X的發現信用卡不能刷的時候,找誰?!)
2. 刷卡時網路務必穩定!
3. 準備好信用卡地址的英文
時間:Duke deadline前一天
時間:Maryland & NYU deadline前兩天
時間:Rutgers deadline當天
時間:Missouri deadline前兩天
時間:Utah deadline前兩天
時間:Chicago deadline 前一天
時間:Toronto deadline 前一天
時間:Maryland deadline當天
時間:Pittsburgh deadline前一天
「影印店今天沒開!!!!印表機壞掉了!!!!!Letter size的紙用完了!!!!」
一個談論申請的UC Riverside教授的部落格
Applying to Philosophy Ph.D. Programs, Part I: Should You Apply, and Where?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
為了慶祝Darwin 200歲,我今年要讀達爾文。
我很喜歡的一本書是On Growth and Form, 挑戰「內在元素」決定生命型態的論點。然而作者是相當極端的外在論派,因此在基因發現之前寫的主張,就像Gibbens的極端心智外在論在認知神經科學發展的現在,被現視為舊時代的思想。
"The genome must be aware at key stages of the shape it is in charge of developing." says Farge.
Farge認為這是tissue compression的基因與twist gene的控制基因(兩者會在不同的肌肉群中表現,因此原本不會有任何關係的)之間的間接互動方式,然而雖然Farge找到的互動例子是兩個基因所決定的性狀,事實上應該還要有非基因決定的物理條件會影響細胞的發展型態。
"[Ingber's] findings are remarkable.Pull a stem cell in one way and it starts developing as a brain cell, stretch it in another, and a bone cell is its more likely fate. Change the mechanical stresses on cancer cells and they can start to behave more like healthy ones. "
現在已經知道,cytoskeleton的組織會偵測細胞處在的extracellular matrix性質,這包括「堅硬的」、「有彈性的」、「充滿張力」或者「受傷」。根據這些不同的性質,幹細胞可以在沒有growth factor的情況下分化成不同的組織細胞。
"on a relatively soft base that resembled the sponginess of brain tissue, stem cells began to form the precursors of neurons; on stiffer, muscle like substrates the cell took steps toward froming muscle stem cells..."
2005年,我在生科系報告了一篇cell 經典文章:
Streuli CH, Bailey N and Bissell MJ (1991). Control of mammary epithelial differentiation: Basement membrane induces tissue-specific gene expression in the absence of cell-cell interaction and morphological polarity.
"Mammary cells grown in soft gels organized themselves into structures characteristic of normal breat tissue, whereas cells grown in stilff 'cancerous' gels did not. "
Weaver與Bissell的差異是Bissell發現失去某些化學分子的extracellular matrix會導致細胞癌化與否,而那些化學分子反應的是細胞與細胞之間的互動關係使否正常。但是Weaver不一樣。他們改變的是gell本身的物理性質。
"They found that the stiff gels pulled more on the membraine-spanning integrins, and this boosted the activity of an integrin-conotrolled signalling pathway that regulates tension in the cytoskeleton."
醒醒吧molecular biologists...
"Then, as now, most cell biologists had little time for architecture and engineering. When they want to understand why a cell behaves the way that it does, they try to identify the genes, proteins and signalling molecules that are thought to exert control."
Wilhelm His (1888) "to think that heredity will build organic beings without mechanical means is a piece of unscientific mysticism. Astronauts' bones get thinner when they escape gravity. Hefting weights inflicts physical damage on muscle cells that stimulates them to grow. But it was widely felt that the role of mechanical stress would be limited to these and other cell types that needed it in order to function normally."
Wilhelm在1888年就道破(雖然比on growth and form晚)這個迷思,現在這個領域已經火熱的在nature上討論著,台灣的科學家心態改變了嗎?
Stretching the Imagination, Nature News Feature, 456, Dec. 2008
On Growth and Form by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
Abbott, A. Cell culture: Biology's new dimension,Nature 424 (2003)
Powell, K. Stem-cell niches: It's the ecology, stupid! Nature 435 (2005)
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Dream school interaction part II!!
左到右:Owen, Ovid, Patricia, and Neil
今天照片裡的人,就是注重他們的目標者。不在的人不能說沒有,我也會給benefit of doubt, 不會覺得你們就沒有求進的動機,但是我想要看到的是,鄙視也好、不屑也好,告訴我們你不想去的理由吧,說不定你真的比他們更強,不屑與他們同在,但在我們健康的討論環境下,我相當歡迎這樣的言論啊XD
Monday, January 05, 2009


今天下午(翹課)跟佳樺一起去聽Flanagan, Churchland and Levy兩位哲學家和一位親哲學的科學家的「與學生座談」。
全場只有大約三組人問問題,一組作類神經網路的在問他們實驗的問題,再來就是佳樺還有我了(除了我們以外還有一個單獨的問題在請Churchland解釋什麼是eliminative materialism)。雖然現場有大約二十人,但是等於是我們幾個和三位強者的單獨學術討論,爽哉爽哉。
這三位都是naturalization派,認為ethical normative laws and behavior有其生理基礎
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy Year 2009!
祝大家 term paper順利完成、投稿conferences順利被接受,今年一起去香港、柏林 (& maybe Boston)參加conference!