
Graduate Student Association of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition at National Yang Ming University
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
意識沙龍 Consciousness Salon
意識沙龍 Consciousness Salon
主辦單位:Nexus of Consciousness 台灣意識哲學社群
聯絡人:林映彤 (0983835435 / jo.yt.lin@gmail.com)
台北市泰順街60巷9號B1(進入Café Philo一樓咖啡館右轉下樓)
活動 (I)
時間:12/29(三) 晚上7:00-9:00
活動 (II)
時間:1/3(一) 晚上7:00-9:00
Friday, December 03, 2010
2011 陽明大學 心智哲學研究所 碩士班招生中!!
Fall 2011 | 碩士班招生
報名日期:2010年12月27日 - 1月4日
複試日期:2011年3月18日 - 3月21日
洪裕宏 教授 / 所長 美國印第安那大學哲學博士
王文方 教授 美國愛荷華大學哲學博士
Thomas Benda 副教授 德國慕尼黑大學哲學博士
朱菁 教授 加拿大滑鐵盧大學哲學博士
意識研究 (Consciousness Studies)、 心靈理論 (Theories of Mind)、
類神經網路的理論與哲學研究 (Connectionism and Neural Network
Modeling)、意向性與心理狀態內容研究 (Intentionality and Content)、
計算與認知 (Computation and Cognition)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
近年來心智哲學的一個重要主題是關於知覺意識與自我意識之間的關係。包括:(1)知覺意識(perceptual consciousness)與自我意識(self-consciousness)的關係是什麼?知覺意識提供了對於外在世界之感覺性的(sensory)且立即的識察(awareness),自我意識則使得認知者以某種方式意識到自己。這兩種意識是否根本上是彼此獨立的,還是說兩者在本質上有密切關聯?更具體而言,如果要對知覺經驗的特性有完整的說明,是否必須訴諸於某種特定的自我意識才行?(2)根據Shoemaker所提出的第一人稱「識別錯誤之免疫性」(“the immunity to error through misidentification”),關於經驗的內容(content),我們可能會弄錯(如:眼前鏡子裏的那個人是不是我?我現在到底是覺得痛,還是覺得癢?) 但是對於辨識自己是否為該經驗的當事者(subject),我們絕不會弄錯。這種immunity是不是自我意識的根本性質之一?(3)要擁有自我意識是否需要具備複雜的概念能力?對於知覺的現象特性(phenomenal character)的經歷能否完全不涉及任何自我意識?(4)假設知覺與自我意識有本質上的關聯,那麼這兩者究竟是以什麼方式關聯在一起?那一個理論能對此提供最好的解釋?
有鑑於此,台灣大學哲學系、政治大學心腦與學習研究中心與陽明大學心智哲學研究所於2010年10月25、26日舉辦「知覺與自我意識跨領域研討會」。此次研討會目的在探討知覺意識(perceptual consciousness)與自我意識(self-consciousness)的關係。台灣大學哲學系邏輯心靈與方法論研究團隊成員目前的研究認為,對腦傷病人的各種現象(phenomenology)和腦部神經活動進行第一手的研究,以及藉由實驗操控視覺與身體感覺之間的關係,會幫助本研究小組在關於知覺與自我意識的哲學議題上有所突破。此次研討會主要是以邀請國外學者,為目前最為先進的哲學發展,就有關知覺與自我意識中最先進的研究與實驗,提出一具體而且明確的討論說明。召開本研討會的策略,在於集結世界各地針對知覺與自我意識的研究人才,透過本研究小組成員之邀請,專程來台參與討論。
1. Shaun Gallagher, Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA.
2. Frédérique de Vignemont, CNRS Researcher at Transitions, CNRS-NYU, New York.
3. Bigna Lenggenhager, Assistant at the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience (LNCO), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
4. Manos Tsakiris, Lecturer in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London, UK.
5. 洪裕宏,陽明大學心智哲學研究所教授兼所長。
6. 朱菁,中國廣州中山大學邏輯與認知研究所及哲學系教授,陽明大學心智哲學研究所教授。
7. Timothy Joseph Lane (藍亭),政治大學心腦與學習研究中心教授。
8. 梁益堉,台灣大學哲學系副教授。
[TSC] Brain, Mind and Reality - May 2-8, 2011 - Stockholm University - Sweden
Sessions, Themes and Speakers
David McCormick, Yale, Brain electric field feedback
Johnjoe McFadden, Surrey, Electromagnetic field theory of consciousness
Sue Pockett, Auckland, E-M field theory of consciousness
3. Transcranial therapy of mental states: New therapeutic modalities based on brain stimulation aimed at conscious mental disorders include transcranial electric and magnetic fields and ultrasound vibrations. Mechanisms and utility in relation to consciousness and memory will be discussed.
Allan Snyder, Sydney, Transcranial electric fields for memory enhancement
W. Jamie Tyler, Arizona State, Transcranial ultrasound for mental disorders
Eric Wassermann, NIH, Transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression
Dick Bierman, Amsterdam, Pre-sentiment
Moran Cerf, NYU/UCLA, Pre-cognition in human brain neurons?
5. Anesthesia and consciousness: Anesthetic gases selectively erase consciousness and block high frequency gamma synchrony EEG while sparing non-conscious brain functions, acting by weak quantum forces in a distributed array of post-synaptic proteins
Nicholas Franks, Imperial College London, Anesthetic sites of action
Stuart Hameroff, Arizona, Hydrophobic quantum pockets in dendritic proteins
Anthony Hudetz, MC Wisconsin, Anesthetics and gamma synchrony
6. Quantum biology: The role of quantum physics in consciousness has been discounted by the assumption that the biological brain is too warm and wet. But quantum coherence, entanglement and ballistic conductance have now been recognized in warm photosynthesis, DNA and microtubules.
Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Tsukuba, Ballistic conductance and quantum bits in microtubules
Jack Tuszynski, Alberta, Microtubule information processing capabilities
7. Neuronal activities and consciousness: Large scale coherence potentials, neuronal ignitions and avalanches correlate with consciousness. How is coherence mediated? What roles do dendritic synchrony, axonal firings, macroscopic fields, complexity and intraneuronal processes play in consciousness? Will mapping brain connections help explain consciousness?
Germund Hesslow, Lund, Complex spike timing
Rafi Malach, Weizmann Institute, Neuronal ignitions
Dietmar Plenz, NIH, Neuronal avalanches, coherence and criticality
8. Consciousness, reality and the universe: Does the conscious observer collapse the wave function? Is consciousness an emergent property of complex computation, or irreducible and intrinsically related to spacetime geometry? How did the universe arise from nothingness? What is entanglement?
Menas Kafatos, Chapman University, The holographic universe
Paavo Pylkkanen, Helsinki, Bohm and the quantum universe
9. End-of-life brain activity: Recent clinical studies report a surge of coherent, high frequency EEG at the time of human death, when neuronal metabolic supplies are depleted. Historically, nearly all civilizations have reported so-called near death experiences with remarkably consistent phenomenology. Have brain monitors captured the correlate of near death experiences?
Lakhmir Chawla, George Washington, End-of-life brain activity
Pim von Lommel, Arnhem, Near death experiences
In addition to Keynote and Plenary talks, the conference will feature Pre-Conference Workshops, Concurrent Talks, Poster Sessions, Art/Tech Demos, Social Events and Side Trips in the Stockholm tradition.
Special Pre-Conference Workshop - full day
Deepak Chopra, Vedic approaches to consciousness
and posted online.
December 15 Abstracts due
January 5 Decisions
February 15 Final edits
Proposals (500 words or less) should be sent to: center@email.arizona.edu
Workshops will be held in 4 hour sessions on Sunday May 1 and Monday May 2
Perfjell Wellness Center
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona
Mind Event SA
Chopra Foundation
Agora for Biosystems
Organizing Committee (partial list)
Stuart Hameroff, University of Arizona, co-chair
Christer Perfjell, Perfjell Wellness Center, Mind Event SA, co-chair
Paavo Pylkkanen, University of Helsinki
Gustav Bernroider, University of Salzburg
Hans Liljenstrom, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Agora for Biosystems
Adrian Parker, University of Gothenburg
Annekatrine Puhle, University of Gothenburg
Etzel Cardena, Lund University
Alexander Moreira-Almeida MD, PhD (Brazil)
Nildson Alvares-Muniz, Uniceub- Centro Universitário de Brasília
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
因此我直接貼在這邊,另外會寄Google Doc連結以及Word檔給大家
2008.09.22 2008第三次會員大會通過
2009.03.26 2009第二次會員大會通過
2010.09.14 2010第一次會員大會通過
第一條 本會名稱為國立陽明大學心智哲學所學會。英文名稱為 Graduate Student Association of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming University
第二條 本會以學生自治之方式,促進會員之學術交流與情誼
第三條 會址設於國立陽明大學心智哲學研究所所辦公室
第四條 心智哲學研究所在學學生為當然會員
第五條 本會設立會長一名及下列幹部:財務部、學術部、資訊部。會長由每學年新生註冊日至該學期第一次所務會議開會日之間召開會員大會選舉產生,任期一年。各部部長由會長任命,任期與會長相同。幹部連選得連任一次。幹部交接需於新任會長產生後一個月內完成。幹部之職務如下:
(一) 會長:代表學會出席校內會議,並綜理學會事務。籌畫及舉辦聯誼性質之活動,負責學會檔案管理與本所研究生研究室管理。並辦理所代表之事務。
(二) 財務部:管理學會經費與物品
(三) 學術部:籌畫及舉辦學術性質之活動
(四) 資訊部:負責本所及所學會網頁之管理與更新
(五) 未標明之事務,暫由會長及幹部協調分配,可視情況
第六條 會員大會由會長召開及主持,或是在臺灣之在學學生的3/4以上連署召開。每學期至少召開兩次。會員大會之權責如下:
(一) 議決本會重要事項
(二) 選舉會長
(三) 罷免幹部:需全體會員超過半數同意
(四) 修改章程:需全體會員超過半數同意
第七條 本章程之訂定依據陽明大學學生自治辦法。章程之擬定與修改經心智哲學研究所所長核定後施行。
Friday, July 16, 2010
講者:Zoltan Dienes (Psychology, University of Sussex)
How can we tell whether a mental state is conscious or unconscious?
What happens when a person experiences a hypnotic suggestion?
The role of feelings of familiarity in conscious and unconscious learning
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
亞洲意識學會Asia Consciousness Society已於2010年7月成立!
ACS已於2010年7月成立,創會之會員組織包括:台灣、澳洲、中國、印 度、日本、韓國、新加坡。台灣的學會代表為曾志朗教授(中央研究院語言學研究所)、洪裕宏教授(陽明大學心智哲學研究所)。
ACS 網站:http://www.acsociety.org/
歡 迎加入ACS會員:http://www.acsociety.org/membership/application
ACS活動行事曆: http://www.acsociety.org/resources/calendar-of-events
近期活動:意識科學論壇Science of Consciousness Forum (2010年11月16日於香港舉行),
活動詳情: http://www.acsociety.org/activities/wisdom-and-wonder-festival
Friday, June 11, 2010
洪裕宏教授、許舜斌、簡芃、林映彤、洪志怡、郭凌峰、陳柏青,將於2010年6月24至27日前往加拿大多倫多(Toronto, Canada)出席會議The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC14)並發表論文。洪裕宏教授亦受邀擔任ASSC14 Concurrent Session主持人。
Emma Chien (簡芃) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “A new way of explaining schizophrenia and the immunity to error through misidentification” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Chia-Hua Lin (林佳樺) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “A possibility of a non-unified representational self-consciousness” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Ying-Tung Lin (林映彤) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “Do dementia patients lose their self?” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Chihyi Hung (洪志怡) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “The detectable consciousness and the phenomenology” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Shun-Pin Hsu (許舜斌) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “Can Subjectivity be Explained Away?” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Ling-Fong Kuo (郭凌峰) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “Do we need the environment to determine the content of consciousness?” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Karen Yan (嚴如玉). (2010). “Self-consciousness and anosognosia in Alzheimer's dementia” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Lynn Chiu (邱千蕙). (2010). “Deferential phenomenal concepts? Not for the Zombie Mary” The
14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
ASSC14論文發表團學生成員也將在會議前先後到紐約曼哈頓、多倫多、尼加拉瀑布、華盛頓DC旅行,整個旅程預計20天!計畫參觀紐約大學(NYU)、紐約市立大學(CUNY)、哥倫比亞大學、普林斯頓大學、多倫多大學...等大學,也將前往紐約大都會美術館、現代美術館、時代廣場、華爾街、小義大利、小台北、聯合國、自由女神、熨斗大樓、洛克斐洛中心、帝國大廈、紐約Apple Center、布魯克林、中央公園、多倫多CN Tower、白宮、國會大廈、華盛頓紀念塔、林肯紀念館、看百老匯和美國國慶遊行...。

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Frank Jackson將在陽明心智哲學所演講!
Frank Jackson @ 陽明大學心智哲學研究所
以瑪莉房間論證著名的哲學家 Frank Jackson 將在今年六月初在陽明大心智哲學研究所舉行演講。Frank Jackson將演講他近年來對於意識經驗內容的最新研究。
講者:Frank Jackson (澳洲國立大學哲學系教授)
講題:The Mind-World Problem
時間:2010年6月9日(星期三) 晚上6:30-8:30
地點:陽明大學第二教學大樓242教室 (校園地圖 http://web.ym.edu.tw/ezcatfiles/a001/img/img/766/map.html)
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
我最最最感謝的是我的指導教授洪裕宏教授,謝謝洪老師無論在論文方向、論文規劃、學術能力的養成都給了我很大的幫助!自己動筆開始寫論文才真正了解,指導教授的角色有多麼關鍵和不可或缺!如果沒有指導教授的引導,一位研究生幾乎不可能依自己有限的知識和能力來決定應該閱讀哪些材料、不同閱讀材料的重要性次序、以及如何將相關材料簡裁放入論文,更別談到將論文完成後應該如何修改;沒有教授指導的研究生很可能迷失在一片學術論文的大海,或是對於不甚重要的問題過度專研!很謝謝洪老師的指導,讓我不但沒有遇到以上的困難,還完成了口試委員們評價很高的論文!另外,洪老師的指導不但讓我今年順利完成碩士學位,還讓我取得加拿大University of Alberta哲學博士班的全額獎學金,讓我可以繼續我的學術生涯!沒有洪老師,這一切都不可能!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
HBO電影:Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin電影官網
Temple Grandin電影預告片:
電影:The Horse Boy
Rowen的爸爸Rupert將這趟治療之旅紀錄下來(The Horse Boy: A Father's Quest to Heal His Son),這本書後來成了暢銷書。
Rowen的故事也被獨立製片拍成電影。The Horse Boy 電影官網
The Horse Boy 電影預告片:
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Balzan Fellowship將提供訪問期間的學費、生活費、零用金等27,236美元,以及保險費與台北紐約來回機票!
Balzan Fellowship將提供訪問期間的學費、生活費、零用金等27,236美元,以及保險費與台北紐約來回機票!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
KogWis 2010 – The 10th Biannual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Science
October 3 – 6 2010, University of Potsdam
KogWis 2010 – The 10th Biannual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Science
Join us for the 10th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science (GK, Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft) "KogWis 2010"! The conference will take place at the University of Potsdam, one of Germany’s youngest and liveliest universities, surrounded by the beautiful parks of Sanssouci, and located a short distance from Berlin.Plenary Speakers
- Brian Butterworth, University College London, UK
- Pat Langley, Stanford University, USA
- Claudia Maienborn, Tuebingen University, Germany
- Paul Thagard, University of Waterloo, Canada
Invited Symposia
- "Decision Making" (Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt University Berlin)
- "Complex Cognition" (Ute Schmid, Universität Bamberg)
- "Information Structure" (Gisbert Fanselow, Stavros Skopeteas, DFG SFB 632, Information Structure, Potsdam University)
- "New Theories of Rationality" (Markus Knauff, Giessen University; Wolfgang Spohn, University of Konstanz)
- "Symbolizing Emotions" (Languages of Emotion Cluster of Excellence at Free University of Berlin)
- Doctoral Symposium (Stefan Kopp, Bielefeld University)
Associated Events
- Satellite conference of the DFG Research Group FOR 868: "Mind and Brain Dynamics"
(Reinhold Kliegl, Ralf Engbert, Potsdam University) - Satellite Workshop: "Cognitive Anthropology"
(Andrea Bender, Sieghard Beller, Freiburg University)
Program Chairs
Ria de Bleser (Potsdam), Ralf Engbert (Potsdam), Christopher Habel (Hamburg), John-Dylan Haynes (HU Berlin), Christoph Hoelscher (Freiburg), Reinhold Kliegl (Potsdam), Markus Knauff (Giessen), Michel Pauen (HU Berlin), Torsten Schaub (Potsdam), Ute Schmid (Bamberg), Manfred Stede (Potsdam), Ralf Stoecker (Potsdam), Manfred Thüring (TU Berlin), Leon Urbas (TU Dresden), Shravan Vasishth (Potsdam), Marianne Vater (Potsdam), Heike Wiese (Potsdam)Friday, April 16, 2010
'My Brain Made Me Do It'
'My Brain Made Me Do It'
A 22-year-old author discusses the threat that brain science poses to our concept of free will
Thursday, April 15, 2010
研究生論文發表團出發囉!--- 多倫多-尼加拉瀑布-紐約曼哈頓-波士頓團

多倫多-紐約曼哈頓-波士頓團將先前往加拿大多倫多的The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC14)發表論文,再到尼加拉瀑布、紐約曼哈頓、波士頓去玩!

1. Emma Chien (簡芃) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). “A new way of explaining schizophrenia and the immunity to error through misidentification”
2. Chia-Hua Lin (林佳樺) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). “A possibility of a non-unified representational self-consciousness”
3. Ying-Tung Lin (林映彤) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏).“Do dementia patients lose their self?”
4. Chihyi Hung (洪志怡) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏).“The detectable consciousness and the phenomenology”
5. Shun-Pin Hsu (許舜斌) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). “Can Subjectivity be Explained Away?”
6. Ling-Fong Kuo (郭凌峰) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). “Do we need the environment to determine the content of consciousness?”
7. Karen Yan (嚴如玉). “Self-consciousness and anosognosia in Alzheimer's dementia”
8. Lynn Chiu (邱千蕙). “Deferential phenomenal concepts? Not for the Zombie Mary”
研究生論文發表團出發囉!--- Tucson沙漠團

4月份的Tucson沙漠團目前已經抵達美國亞利桑那州Tucson(Toward A Science of Consciousness 2010)發表論文囉!
前往發表論文的2篇口頭報告(oral presentation)和2篇海報(poster presentation)!
1. Hung, C. Y. (洪志怡) & Houng, Y. H. (洪裕宏). “The Detectable Consciousness”
2. Benda, T. (卞拓蒙) (2010). “Minds, Machines, and Lucas-Penrose”
1. Lin, C. H. (林佳樺) & Houng, Y. H. (洪裕宏). “From the Self-Awareness to the Other Minds”
2. Liu, J. Y. (劉任瑜). “The human mind may be a Turing-machine-like system even if theLucas-Penrose argument is right”
除了以上4個報告,另外也有5篇論文被Toward A Science of Consciousness 2010接受!
1. Chien, P. (簡芃) & Houng, Y. H. (洪裕宏). “An Argument Against the Ability Hypothesis”
2. Hsu, S. P. (許舜斌) & Houng, Y. H. (洪裕宏). “Are Our Phenomenal World Opaque?”
3. Kuo, T. (郭凌峰) (2010). “Still Being Someone”
4. Lin, Y. T. (林映彤) & Houng, Y. H. (洪裕宏). “Mary, No Pain, No Gain”
5. Yu, L. A. (游立安) (2010). “Is there a room for free will in many-worlds?”
Friday, April 09, 2010
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Friday, April 02, 2010
大家將於2010年6月24至27日至加拿大多倫多(Toronto, Canada) 出席會議並發表論文!
Emma Chien (簡芃) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “A new way of explaining schizophrenia and the immunity to error through misidentification” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Ying-Tung Lin (林映彤) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “Do dementia patients lose their self?” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Chia-Hua Lin (林佳樺) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “A possibility of a non-unified representational self-consciousness” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Chihyi Hung (洪志怡) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “The detectable consciousness and the phenomenology” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Shun-Pin Hsu (許舜斌) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “Can Subjectivity be Explained Away?” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
Ling-Fong Kuo (郭凌峰) and Allen Y. Houng (洪裕宏). (2010). “Do we need the environment to determine the content of consciousness?” The 14th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2010.
心智哲學所與意識研究群研究生洪志怡投稿論文已被Toward A Science of Consciousness 2010接受為口頭報告(oral presentation),研究生林佳樺投稿論文已被Toward A Science of Consciousness 2010接受為壁報報告(poster presentation)。
志怡和佳樺皆獲得陽明大學國際事務處頒發之研究生出席國際會議獎學金(Graduate Student Travel Award),補助機票和生活費,口頭報告亦補助會議註冊費!
志怡與佳樺將於2010年4月12至17日至美國亞利桑那州土桑市(Tucson, Arizona)出席會議並發表論文!
Hung, C. Y. (洪志怡) & Houng, Y. H. (洪裕宏) (2010). “The Detectable Consciousness ”, Toward A Science of Consciousness 2010, Arizona, United States, April 12-17, 2010.
Lin, C. H. (林佳樺) & Houng, Y. H. (洪裕宏) (2010). “From the Self-Awareness to the Other Minds”, Toward A Science of Consciousness 2010, Arizona, United States, April 12-17, 2010.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
主題:Why Enzymatic Computation Fails to Explain Higher Cognitive Processes
時間:2010年2月26日(星期五) 14:00-16:00
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A photo released yesterday shows a 16-year-old leopard, Meili, undergoing a CAT scan at Taipei Zoo on Monday. The leopard was having its second CAT scan after a 40cm tumor was found and surgically removed from its chest late last year.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
心智哲學研究所 2009 冬季演講
主題:An Empirical Perspective on the Puzzles of Resistance
時間:2010年2月5日(星期五) 10:00-12:00
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Peng Chien & Allen Y. Houng, An Argument Against the Ability Hypothesis
Chiahua Lin & Allen Houng, From the Self-Awareness to the Other Minds
Ying-Tung Lin & Allen Y. Houng, Mary, No Pain, No Gain
Jenyu Liu, The human mind may be a Turing-machine-like system even if theLucas-Penrose argument is right.
Uranus Li-An Yu, Is there a room for free will in many-worlds?
Joy chihyi Hung & Allen Houng, The Detectable Consciousness (被接受為talk)
Shun-Pin Hsu & Allen Y. Houng, Are Our Phenomenal World Opaque?
Terry Kuo, Still Being Someone
Wei-Siang Huang, Can freely voluntary acts appear without micro-determinism?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Scientists extract images directly from brain
科學家Kang Cheng在下文中樂觀地表示,十年內,以此科技和其進展的速度,科學應可以在以腦活動判讀thoughts上達到一定的準確度。
ATR mind reader --
Researchers from Japan’s ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories have developed new brain analysis technology that can reconstruct the images inside a person’s mind and display them on a computer monitor, it was announced on December 11. According to the researchers, further development of the technology may soon make it possible to view other people’s dreams while they sleep.
The scientists were able to reconstruct various images viewed by a person by analyzing changes in their cerebral blood flow. Using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine, the researchers first mapped the blood flow changes that occurred in the cerebral visual cortex as subjects viewed various images held in front of their eyes. Subjects were shown 400 random 10 x 10 pixel black-and-white images for a period of 12 seconds each. While the fMRI machine monitored the changes in brain activity, a computer crunched the data and learned to associate the various changes in brain activity with the different image designs.
Then, when the test subjects were shown a completely new set of images, such as the letters N-E-U-R-O-N, the system was able to reconstruct and display what the test subjects were viewing based solely on their brain activity.
For now, the system is only able to reproduce simple black-and-white images. But Dr. Kang Cheng, a researcher from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute, suggests that improving the measurement accuracy will make it possible to reproduce images in color.
“These results are a breakthrough in terms of understanding brain activity,” says Dr. Cheng. “In as little as 10 years, advances in this field of research may make it possible to read a person’s thoughts with some degree of accuracy.”
The researchers suggest a future version of this technology could be applied in the fields of art and design — particularly if it becomes possible to quickly and accurately access images existing inside an artist’s head. The technology might also lead to new treatments for conditions such as psychiatric disorders involving hallucinations, by providing doctors a direct window into the mind of the patient.
ATR chief researcher Yukiyasu Kamitani says, “This technology can also be applied to senses other than vision. In the future, it may also become possible to read feelings and complicated emotional states.”
The research results appear in the December 11 issue of US science journal Neuron.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Mizzou Philosophy of Science Discussion Blog
Saturday, January 16, 2010
檢查視網膜 提早20年發現失智症
檢查視網膜 提早20年發現失智症