Saturday, August 01, 2009

Call for Abstracts - First Biennial Philosophy of Biology at Madison (POBAM) Workshop

The Philosophy Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is
excited to announce the first biennial Philosophy of Biology @ Madison
Workshop. The workshop is designed to provide a biennial forum for
new work in the philosophy of biology. The format of the workshop will
provide an opportunity for speakers to receive constructive feedback
from interested colleagues, and for other participants to become
acquainted with new work in the field.

The first workshop will take in Madison from Friday, May 21st to
Sunday, May 23rd, 2010.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Richard Lewontin (Harvard).

We welcome submissions on any topic in the philosophy of biology or
general philosophy of science with a biological focus.

Those who would like to present their work at the workshop must submit
an abstract of 2-3 double-spaced pages by September 15, 2009. There is
a limit of one submission per person. All abstracts should be
submitted via email to Elliott Sober (

Abstracts will be reviewed by a program committee. Those submitting
abstracts will be notified in early December of the program
committee’s decision.

For more information about the conference, please see

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